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Showing posts from July, 2015

Meghalaya Exploration - Part (2/3)

Now we move to the other corner of Khasi hills... towards Mawsynram, also the wettest place in the world. The road on this part of our journey is sort of like Dawki’s, same rolling hills but, broken bits disguised as tarmac. And no traffic. We met a minimal number of vehicles on this road. Global illumination was soft this time as well. Crass drizzles punctuated our arrivals at various villages we passed by.  At the edge of the cliff As one approaches the very edge of Khasi hills, highlands erode into sheer drops hanging over the vast Sunderban plains that make up Bangladesh. This edge is, perhaps one of the most beautiful pieces of land I have seen, carved in shape of jagged knives projecting from Earth, pinstriped with roads twisting and winding as walls of solid stone and stratified rock rise perpendicular to the plane of earth. The afternoon mists obscures and uncovers lonesome crags covered with layers of moss, shrubs and trees that defy gravity to reach toward