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Showing posts from July, 2020

The start of Drone adventures

I have always had the dream of flight. I wished to change my perspective in ways that I usually cannot. UAVs and drones have been a boon. They give me the freedom to take off and shift my vision in a matter of minutes. Looking at the world from 5'11", 20', 50', 100' or 300' is mind-bending. suddenly you tend to appreciate objects in ways you normally do not.  All of this is an intro or a justification of me purchasing a DJI Mavic Air 2, a small compact flyer that truly showcases the outstanding design and engineering of fellow Chinese master-mechanics. It contains technology that I would consider as sci-fi back in 2011 when I was first introduced to quadcopters. My HPE salary is well spent. $988. Insanity always has a price. Now I am gonna stop. Just enjoy some of these shots: