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An Ode to my flights in Virginia

In the Shenandoah mountains, high above the trees  A drone soars and flies with the greatest of ease  Its propellers spin, lifting it up to the sky  As it dances and glides, so graceful and nigh The mountains stretch out below, a tapestry of green  The drone's camera captures the beauty unseen  It flies over valleys and streams, and dips and turns  The landscape below, forever it yearns As the sun sets low in the western sky  The drone returns home, no longer to fly  But the memories remain, of its journey so grand In the Shenandoah mountains, with the drone in hand The drone is a marvel, a feat of technology  A machine that defies gravity  It can go where no man can go  To the highest peak, or the deepest canyon below The Shenandoah mountains are a wonder to see  From the air, they seem to go on endlessly  The drone captures it all, the rolling hills and the rocky cliffs  A true masterpiece, a natural rift As the light fades and the day comes to a close  The drone returns home, it